Oct 012002

What is “Xebec” ?
甚麼是 “Xebec” ?

A xebec is a three-masted vessel, with projecting bow stern and convex decks, used in the Mediterranean Sea for transporting merchandise. It carries both square and lateen sails. It used to be a vital communication tool between different cultures and civilizations.
“Xebec” 是地中海獨有的一種帆船,船頭、尾向上翹,甲板凸起,三支桅桿上掛著的金屬製的方形帆,用以運載貨物或乘客。

Our Mission
“Xebec” 的使命

In the spirit of xebec, Xebec Media Limited has been riding on an interactive platform for years, where different forms of media and professional knowledge exemplify their best. We transport ideas and concepts through the creation of videos, multi-media productions, animations and documentaries.
我們 “Xebec” 擁有的特質–即使體積小小亦無懼風浪,無畏的在茫茫大海中馳騁。我們製作團隊所坐的 “Xebec” 由一九九八年啟航,以影像及多媒體製作,電腦動畫、紀錄片等為媒介,載著我們的創意和熱誠,翹首向著多姿多采的互動平台邁進。

Our Services
“Xebec” 的服務

Creativity plus professionalism equip us to deliver messages from our clients to their target recipients effectively. Xebec is strong at video production, especially familiar with video-documentation of award presentation and multi-media production. We provide a series of services which ideas and concepts can be carried in various ways:

Video Production

We are made up of a team of professional researchers, producers and production managers to produce dramas, documentaries and variety programmes with a lot of creative inputs.

Drama Production

Drama is the way to present ideas by thoughtful creative scenes, characters as well as dialogues. No matter it is an educational institutes or corporate organization, it is always suitable to promote concepts through constructing scenes in order to help target audience to understand it easily. We provide comprehensive services, which include content and scenes creation, script-writing, casting, filming, post-production with special effects.

Contact Us

電郵 E-mail info@xebec.com.hk
電話 Phone (852) 23328943
傳真 Fax (852) 23328947
網址 Website http://www.xebec.com.hk
地址 Address 九龍觀塘偉業街101號A宏興工業大廈3字樓
3/F., Fen Hin Industrial Building, 101A, Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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