Apr 042010

“Exploring Science: Development of Nanotechnology in Hong Kong”
Xebec Media Limited, was commissioned by The Open University of Hong Kong, to produce a 25 minutes TV Programme “Exploring Science”. This programme was broadcast on 4 April 2010 on TVB Pearl. The programme featured a number of professors from City University, Polytechnic University, Hong Kong University, focusing on the background and origin of nanotechnology and The latest development of nanotechnology

為香港公開大學製作廿五分鐘電視節目《科學探索: 納米技術在香港的發展》,走訪香港多間大專院校,包括科技大學,城市大學,理工大學及香港大學,剖析納米技術在香港的發展,並於2010年4月4日在無綫電視明珠台播放。