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We collaborated in 2005 and 2009 for producing videos on its Service and Courtesy Award and Service Retailers of the Year Award. Our team actively involved in the programme design, and had to liaise with several parties for making interview arrangements. The videos were collected into a VCD and uploaded to HKRMA’s website.

HKRMA 香港零售管理協會

百思平台媒體有限公司獲香港零售管理協會委託,負責拍攝及製作2005 年度及 2009 年度《傑出服務獎》及《最佳服務零售商》的紀錄光碟。本公司不同負責走訪各間得獎店舖,訪問得獎者的感受及獲獎公司的管治理念,結集所有精華片段在一隻光碟中,我們亦為香港零售管理協會設計專門網站,將專業的零售管理概念宣揚出去。