Feb 092012


有沒有想過到歐洲讀書,體驗異國文化?或者到內地如北京大學、清華大學進修?貿發局教育及職業博覽重點介紹往內地和歐美地區升學門徑,亦展示不同創意教育如美容、電 影等課程。考完中六文憑試,要升學進修不太難吧?



Smart Move: HKTDC Education & Careers Expo 2012

Realistic dinosaur models, high-tech combat simulation games and toys made by a real princess all reflect how the toy industry is finding new ways to engage young and old in the world of play. Those products and trends are being explored with exhibits, seminars and conferences at Asia’s largest toys and games fair – 9-12 January 2012 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

France, Austria and Switzerland are among 14 countries and regions represented at the HKTDC Education and Careers Expo 2012. The 9-12 February event in Hong Kong offers a feast of options for students and job-changers hungry for career ideas in challenging times.

Related Links:
Education Expo: http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkeducationexpo-en
Event Programme: http://hkeducationexpo.hktdc.com/pdf/event2012/Seminars_Schedule.pdf