Aug 082011


美國營運智能”Splunk”公司,今年年中,於香港成立亞太地區分部。Splunk 為Cisco, Vodafone同facebook等大型公司的電腦系統,提供營運智能支援,處理大量客戶資訊,協助他們更快地管理日常營運。


IT “Building Block”

With current IP domains running out, Hong Kong could be a unique centre for the next generation online address system in Asia, says Robert Lau, Vice President of San Francisco firm, Splunk. The US “big data” firm that has clients like IBM, Cisco and Facebook, chose Hong Kong for its regional headquarters and a “building block” for its Asia-wide plans.

Speaker: Robert Lau, Area Vice President, Asia Pacific and Japan, Splunk