Aug 192011

英超市集團Wm Morrison在港建亞太採購總部

全英國第四大的超級市場集團Wm Morrison,於今年六月,在香港設立亞太地區總部,直接利用香港,採購中國大陸及亞洲地區的產品至英國市場。威廉莫里森(香港)有限公司執行董事博格指出,香港採購­專才熟悉英國產品標準,確保產品質量符合歐洲入口要求,而在融資及交通上的便利,香港順理成章成為集團亞太總部的理想地點。

Ingredients for better sourcing

The UK’s fourth largest supermarket chain, Morrisons, has opened its regional buying office in Hong Kong, sourcing a huge range of hard goods, from electronics to health and beauty products. Executive Director Bob Guard says the territory is the logical choice, with its talented labour and regional accessibility.