Sep 062011


港 珠澳大橋將為香港、澳門和珠江三角洲西岸地區提供一條全新和直達的陸路連接通道,這項大型基建將為香港帶來龐大經濟效益。在進行此龐大基建時,路政署須小 心選擇香港口岸、香港接線及屯門至赤鱲角連接路的工程選址及走線,務求能夠平衡經濟效益和環境影響。在《海洋篇》中,香港海豚保育學會會長洪家耀博士,帶 領主持容婉華及兩位小朋友到東涌附近觀看中華白海豚,並從環保角度,分享他對港珠澳大橋工程對附近海洋生態的意見。

Episode 1: Conservation of Marine Ecology

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge provide a direct land transport connection between the two shores of the Pearl River Delta (PRD), linking Hong Kong in the east to Macao and Zhuhai in the west. In the first of the 5 part series, Dr. Hung Ka Yiu, Chairman of Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society, was invited to share his view on the project.

Official Website:

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