Oct 272011

位於中區鐵崗(己連拿利)的聖公會聖保羅堂早於1911年建成,建築物頂部建有尖長的塔樓,帶有哥德式建築風格。1934年教堂曾進行大規模的維修。 今年(2011年)慶祝教堂百周年堂慶,特別製作這一個十分鐘短片。

SKH St. Paul’s Church Centenary Celebration Documentary Video
St. Paul’s Church, located at Glenealy, Central, was built in 1911. The spire on the roof of the church bears the characteristic of Gothic architecture. A major renovation was made in 1934. This Documentary Video was made for the Centenary Celebration of St. Paul’s Church.